Team Members
- Sarah Veele, PhD, MPH
- Ann Muno, MSW
- Arina Gertseva, PhD
Research Project Description
Washington State has the highest rate in the nation of locking up girls for non-criminal activities like running away, skipping school or violating curfew or rules of probation. Many traditional tools of juvenile justice systems fall short of supporting healthy environments for girls or their social welfare as many girls have histories of trauma, violence, economic vulnerability and a lack of social supports. This research proposes to use a mixed methods approach to better understand the needs and experiences of girls at risk for deeper justice system involvement. This study will focus on girls who are 11-18 years old, living in 2-4 diverse communities and received a court referral for a status offense but no criminal charges. The following questions will be answered through this research project 1.) What do girls in the community impacted by the justice system need?; 2.) What research-based priorities does the community want to improve for girls?; and 3.) What is the impact of the intervention(s) on the girls from the community/state? By learning about the lived experiences of system-involved girls and co-constructing recommendations, key stakeholders will work together to increase coordination of services and change policies and practices.
Team Members

Sarah Veele, PhD, MPH
Sarah Veele is the Research and Policy Senior Manager for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services – Rehabilitation Administration. Her research focuses on equity, accessibility, and program efficacy for juveniles involved in the justice system.

Ann Muno, MSW
Ann Muno is the Executive Director for The Justice for Girls Coalition of Washington State. She is a Community Organizer and works closely with the juvenile justice and youth development fields.

Arina Gertseva, PhD
Arina Gertseva is a Senior Research Associate with the Administrative Office of the Courts in Washington State. Her work is dedicated to improving knowledge and understanding of juvenile justice issues through rigorous research and providing factual material to professionals and decisions makers which they can use to promote justice at the local and state levels.

Issue Brief: Washington State
One Girl, Many Systems: Why a Blueprint for Action is Needed