Team Members
- Jessica Owens-Young
- Jane Palmer
Research Project Description
This mixed methods research project is a collaboration between American University, DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCCADV), and Healing Equity United. Our project is rooted in a racial equity/justice framework and builds on past literature related to how racism manifests within white-led nonprofits and social movements, which in turn affects social service delivery and social change work. In this project, we will evaluate strategies to advance and address issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) within domestic violence organizations. In the first phase, we will conduct in-depth interviews with participants of a cohort-based DEIB training program for DCCADV member program staff to learn about their experience in the program and their opinions about implementing what they’ve learned at their respective organizations. In the second phase, we will conduct a survey and additional in-depth interviews with staff at domestic violence organizations (including those who did not participate in the cohort-based program) to gauge their interest in, experience with, and opinions about barriers and facilitators associated with advancing DEIB and racial justice initiatives within their respective organizations and within the anti-gender-based violence field more broadly.
Team Members

Jessica Owens-Young
Jessica Owens-Young is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Studies whose work focuses on structural racism, maternal and infant health, socioeconomic inequities, and the public health workforce.

Jane Palmer
Jane Palmer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Justice, Law & Criminology whose work focuses on community-based participatory research, anti-oppressive research methods, and gender-based violence.